Dear MARC Families and Students,
Pacific View Charter is excited to start another year on August 27th at 8:30 am with all staff members returning. Core classes will be offered 8:30 am-12 pm Tuesday-Friday. Hands-on electives will be provided after lunch till 3 pm for those enrolled. PVCS is excited to return our career technical education courses in the building trades. Moreover, there will be new in-person medical career trades and computer programming. Students who are not registered are not able to attend after lunch.
From the California governor’s letter here, new changes were created for this year:
A no-on-campus cell phone policy will be enforced from 8:30 p.m. to 12 p.m., even during student breaks. This has deviated from the student handbook in previous years. Students will check their phones when they receive their computer if they have one. If a telephone is discovered, they will be immediately referred to the office. After three referrals, students lose their on-campus privileges.
The governor cited these studies in his announcement: (Performance and Anxiety) (Student Anxiety self-report)
We are excited about starting a new school year with new individuals. We expect students to be more involved with their academic progress, leading to better performance and career and college choices.
Silas Radcliffe Ed.D
Pacific View Charter School 2.0

Parenting Classes:
Parents in Training:
Love and Logic – directed for parents of all age children
Contact Information – 707-443-1401
Humboldt County Office of Education:
Parent Project – directed for parents of adolescent children
(Typically offered in the Spring)
Contact Person – Gillian Wadsworth
(707) 445-7098
Arcata Police Department, Diversion Program:
Parent Project – directed for parents of adoloscent children
Loving Solutions – directed for parents of 5-10 y.o. children
Contact Person – Crystal Perez, [email protected]
Parenting Resources:
Changing Tides Family Services:
Parent Cafes – Receive parenting tips and resources and share with other parents
Contact Person – Amanda Steinebach, 707-298-8358
Manila Community Resource Center:
Contact Person: Esther Hutton, 707-441-9771