Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment with the College of the Redwoods is a great way to receive college credit, save money, and complete courses for your High School Diploma! Imagine graduating high school and already having a year done for a 4-year program giving you the benefits of being an upperclassman to register for classes early and reduce costs in a bachelor program. PVCS online classes give students the flexibility to attend CR during the day. College credits count as double credits for high school and provide a higher GPA. You can apply now if you are a high school student on track to graduate with good standing.

Information about Dual Enrollment from College of the Redwoods


  1. Apply Here to be a College of the Redwood student while attending PVCS
  2. Concurrent Enrollment Form signed by PVCS Principal with approval

3. Select Classes using the Course Catalog

To receive Priority Registration you must complete the following:

1. Complete online orientation at

2. Develop a Student Education Plan (SEP) by meeting with an Advisor/Counselor at CR.

You only need to do this ONCE, not every term

Call 707-476-4150 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment

In addition to completing the services above, to qualify for Priority Registration, you must also:

• Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 and successfully complete at least half of your courses each semester

• Have not earned more than 100 degree-applicable units

• Have not earned an Associate’s Degree or higher

• Have an eligible educational goal for financial aid

March 7Deadline to complete orientation and develop an SEP for Priority Registration
March 17 Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026 schedules viewable on WebAdvisor
March 14 Students notified of Priority Registration status and possibility of appeal
March 21 Deadline for students to appeal Priority Registration status
March 31-April 6 Priority Registration for EOPS, SASS, Veterans, Foster youth, single parents, Rising
Scholars Juvenile Justice and CalWORKs students
April 7 Priority Registration for TRIO students and Native American Student Support and
Success Program (NASSSP)
April 8 -11 Priority Registration for all other continuing students
April 14-18 Priority Registration for all other new students and students returning after an absence
April 29 *Registration open to concurrent enrollment (high school students)

Course Recommendations

Course selection depends on career needs or college degree. However, I highly recommend taking UC/CSU transferable courses to maximize money savings and knock out requirements for a 4-year degree. The courses below can be difficult and costly at a 4-year University. It is best to get them out the way now. Usually, these courses have a follow-up course for 2nd semester. Make sure you complete to get the full year.

  • Students cannot exceed 11 College of the Redwood Credits a semester.


  • Math-30: College Algebra

Followed by

  • Math-50 : Differential Calculus


  • English 1A: College Composition
  • English 17 American Literature


  • Biology 1: General Biology
  • Chemistry 100: (If you feel you are not prepared yet. not UC/CSU Transferable)
  • Chemistry 1A: If ready
  • General Physics 1: Phys 2A